MN Sleep Society
Encouraging better sleep practices through design.
The Minnesota Sleep Society was created for sleep professionals throughout the state to provide scientific and educational information to the public and legislators.
Our Challenge.
Building an identity and brand for a new workspace that excites students while capturing the passion of discovery and the fun of ideation.
The Task.
Minnesota Sleep Society wanted to cultivate more meaningful conversations with people at health fairs and community events. Sharing frequently dense information about sleep and sleep disorders can be challenging, but engaging displays and handouts help introduce positive relationships and dialogues about healthy habits. Using playful design, we created ten promotional materials and a tri-fold display that provide essential information about sleep and sleep disorders in easy-to-read pagers.
Revamped Logo.
With the new look of the educational and promotional materials, we toyed around with updating the Minnesota Sleep Society logo. By reworking the fonts and smoothing the moon, our new iteration of the logo would evoke feelings of restfulness and comfort while modernizing the Minnesota Sleep Society as a brand.
This new logo matched the greater idea of the brand, and became the fixture of all design work moving forward.
The Impact.
Our work provided Minnesota Sleep Society the resources to make any booth or event a success. The soft design elements and visually engaging coloring of our work allowed the the purpose of Minnesota Sleep Society, highlighting the importance of sleep and the treatment of sleep related disorders, to be elevated and eye-catching.
Minnesota Sleep Society will put our designs to use for all future health booths and community events. With its new logo, the organization has a cohesive brand that effortlessly conveys their message in educational materials.