What Would Greta Thunberg Do?

When people say they want to leave a mark on this world, I doubt they mean with their carbon footprint. However, many of us are allowing ourselves to emit larger amounts of greenhouse gases than we may realize through actions and decisions we make every day. Greta Thunberg, 17-year-old environmental activist, has brought our attention to climate change and carbon footprints, pointing out that now, more than ever, it is essential to start changing our behavior. Although we all leave some type of carbon footprint (even Greta), there are ways we can reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. Even if it is just a small amount, we can work together to create a big impact. 


  • Try your best to eat low on the food chain. The meat and dairy industry is responsible for 14.5% of man-made global greenhouse gas emissions. Although vegetarian or vegan lifestyles aren't for everyone, just reducing your meat and dairy intake for one day a week can decrease your carbon footprint by 8 pounds.  

  • Try to shop locally and organically. Food shipped from thousands of miles away needs fossil fuels to fuel their transportation. 

  • Reduce your food waste by meal-planning and composting. 


  • Stay away from fast fashion! Most fast fashion companies are located outside of the US and require fossil fuels to ship to the country. Try shopping at vintage or consignment stores instead, where you can find quality, recycled clothing. 

  • Bring a reusable bag to the store. This can help reduce the amount of plastic grocery bags that are manufactured. 

  • Try to avoid buying items with excess packaging.

  • Support companies that are environmentally responsible and sustainable!


  • Turn lights off in your home when you are not in a room and unplug your electronic devices when they are not in use. 

  • Try taking shorter or cooler showers. Reducing hot water use can save up to 350 pounds of carbon dioxide per year. 

  • Do your laundry with cold water. Doing two loads of laundry per week using cold water instead of warm water can save up to 500 pounds of carbon dioxide each year. 


  • Drive less. Walking, biking, and taking public transportation all reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Try not to fly. If you fly often, this probably takes up the largest part of your carbon footprint. Consider driving if you are taking a shorter trip. 

 Political Activism

  • Vote, vote, and vote! The most effective solutions to climate change require governmental action. Start becoming politically active and let your representatives know that you would like to see changes being made to reduce carbon emissions and slow climate change. Be like Greta.


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