Using TikTok as an Advertising Medium

With TikTok having been a popular social media platform for over 2 years, it’s no wonder that advertisers have jumped onto the app for promotion. Ads have become embedded within the scrolls of a person’s For You Page, either through intentionally placed sponsored content or through influencers on the app. 

While TikTok is undoubtedly a great new medium for advertisers to use, its newness creates potential for ads to be very hit or miss. Below, I’ve listed some pitfalls to avoid and some examples to follow when you advertise on TikTok. 

DON’T: Take Yourself Too Seriously

People gravitate towards TikTok for funny, fresh content; placing ads on the app that don’t fit in with that is an easy way for your brand to be seen as stoic or old. Many popular corporate TikTok accounts thrive because they are willing to make fun of themselves in the name of building their brand. If you can show consumers that your brand gets their humor, you will paint yourself as part of the group you’re selling to.

DO: Stay Up-to-Date on Daily Trends

The nature of TikTok is fast-paced, and with this comes a quick trend turnaround. Something that is funny one day could be seen as old or overdone the next. For this reason, if you’re going to use TikTok for your brand, you need to be dedicated to keeping up with the latest trends happening on the app and hop onto them as quickly as possible. If you miss the boat on a trend, don’t worry - there will always be a new one tomorrow. 

DON’T: Make All of Your Content About Your Product or Service

If you’re using TikTok to spread brand awareness, one of the biggest things that can turn audiences away is if you only talk about your brand. Some of the best corporate TikTok accounts barely ever talk about their actual products or services; instead, they focus on participating in the community of their audience and portraying themselves as a funny and trustable brand. This increases brand awareness in a way that doesn’t feel like overkill or an obvious business scheme.

DO: Hire a TikTok Manager Who Actually Uses TikTok

The person running your advertising campaign (or just your brand account) on TikTok must be familiar with the space. When a brand doesn’t utilize the younger generation that is versed in using the app, content can often come off as ingenious and stand out as something that is meant to sell products. If you hire someone who knows what they’re doing and knows the app on their own time, you are much more likely to connect with audiences positively.

DON’T: Assume That Young People are a Monolith

When choosing your target audience on TikTok, remember that the app is designed to cater to each person’s interests. While the app may be primarily used by young people, those users all have very individualized preferences that are reflected on their For You Page. When seeking to engage with your audience, make sure you are being specific about what kind of young people you are looking to connect with. This way, you avoid spending time and money on people that are young but don’t have any interest in your brand. 

DO: Follow TikTok Culture 

If you’re trying to connect with audiences by relating to them, it’s imperative that you follow the culture of TikTok with your content. People like things that are short, new, and funny. Rather than using your regular content and posting it on TikTok as though it’s just another social media, cater your content to the app’s norms. 

While TikTok may be another social media app to advertise on, the app has facets that present both challenges and opportunities for brands looking to build awareness. Overall, genuine content will always perform better than kitschy sales pitches. This list of do’s and don’ts isn’t by any means comprehensive, but may create a good starting point.


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