Planning Post-Grad in 2020

“In this uncertain world...” is a phrase I have heard and said many times by this point in 2020. As much as it has become a cliche, it is true and extremely relevant, especially for people like myself that need to make big decisions for their future soon. I am a senior navigating through the last year of my college experience and making plans for my post-grad life. Finishing college feels like the end of a predetermined path set for me to be successful in my future, so I have to ask myself, “Now what?”

Narrowing Down Your Choices

Up until this year, I had a pretty set idea of what I wanted to do after graduation. I would get a full-time job at a great company to do something that I love, right? Well, that’s the “easy” answer that I have heard over the years, but there are so many options ahead of me and my fellow seniors. Narrowing down these big post-grad choices to a select few is a great start in visualizing your future after college. I find this is easiest to do by listing out my options on paper and listing pros and cons of each until there are two potential paths ahead of me. This process can ease some of the pressure of decision-making by lowering the overall opportunity cost that can pile up if you have too many options on the table. For me, my narrowed down options are starting my full-time career at an advertising agency or taking a gap year to travel and seek out new experiences outside my home state of Minnesota.

Keep an Open Mind

Realize that it’s hard to say what will come of the next year (or next week for that matter), and plans may have to change. You are not alone in this, and even if you don’t realize it, there are tons of people and resources that can help you make your post-grad decision. It doesn’t have to rest all on your shoulders. Talk to recent college graduates or people who are knowledgeable about the path you are interested in. Bring them questions specific to your case and get their thoughts on the matter. While no one can decide for you, perspective is valuable. Job markets change, and if a full-time job is one of your prospective paths, talk to professionals who have a good grasp on industry trends. Even if they don’t know exactly what will happen between now and your potential career, an educated guess is still worth considering.

Take Time to Reflect

Reflect on what you are truly passionate about. Think about the things you’re good at or the things you see yourself excelling in. Where do you want to be in five years? Do your options have backup plans just in case the world decides to shake itself up again? All of these are great questions to ask yourself with not so simple answers to them. Reflect on your college experience and acknowledge that you have come a long way. Something you wanted a year ago may not be the same thing that you want now, and that is completely okay. I feel like I have worked hard throughout college, and I am excited to start my career, but my career could still be waiting for me a year later. Take your time, but also be careful not to put off making a decision until the last minute or until it’s too late. 

It’s Not Always That Easy

All these practices have helped me be more optimistic about my future, but it doesn’t mean that I have it all figured out. This is just what has helped me. There could be a million other factors that don’t apply to me and you might be thinking about or vice versa. Sometimes a job is the only path available, but the question is what and where, and these tips still apply and can help in your decision. Ask for help from the people you trust and find a plan that works best for you and your decision-making process. 

Although I don’t know what exactly my future will hold, I am grateful for the experiences, perspectives, friends, and colleagues that I have had and made over my college years. While big decisions are still ahead of me, I know that I am going to soak up everything this year has yet to offer.


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