Keys to a Morning Boost

No one likes to get out of the warm comfort of their bed in the morning, but having a strong morning routine can do wonders for your life. Having a good morning routine can help you control your schedule and conquer your day. It is really important to make your morning routine your own and something that works for you. I’m no expert, but here are some tips that have helped me.  

Start the Night Before

It is important to set yourself up for success when sculpting your routine. Before bed, it can be helpful to look over what you have going on the next day or write a to-do list for things that you’d like to get done. It is also important to get enough sleep—shoot for around 7–8 hours. 

Now, let’s talk blue light. This has been said probably millions of times, and countless studies have been done, but it is really bad for you to be on your phone right before bed. Your phone exposes your eyes to blue light, which makes it harder for you to fall asleep. We’re all guilty of it, myself included, but trying to put your phone away for just 15 minutes before you go to bed is a great place to start. 

Stop Hitting Snooze

Mornings set the tone for the whole day and, while hitting snooze until the last second seems super luxurious, those extra minutes of sleep are not worth it. Waking up earlier gives you more time to accomplish things and get ready for the day. This one is tough, but I honestly think the key to getting up on the right side of the bed is to do it fast, like ripping off a Band-Aid! When my alarm first goes off, I actually count in my head, “one, two, three,” and then just whip off my covers and get out of bed. This method is not super desirable, but starting off your day by procrastinating getting out of bed isn’t going to set you up for success. 

Make Your Bed

It took me a long time to form this habit. Why would I make my bed if I’m just going to get back in it at the end of the day? But starting your day by completing a simple task is the first step in the right direction! Making your bed first thing in the morning is easy to accomplish, and it reduces your desire to crawl back under the covers. Why not wake up and choose productivity? Just make your bed. 

Take Time for Yourself

A lot of the morning birds out there say that they wake up early because it’s peaceful when no one else is awake. You can spend this time exercising, reading, or just quietly sipping on your morning cup of coffee. Taking time to just focus on yourself is really important, especially if your days are spent catering to the needs of others. 

Eat Breakfast

I have heard countless people tell me that they just don’t eat breakfast in the morning, but it is actually very important to fuel your body in the morning. Now, I’m not saying that the second you open your eyes you should be eating a full continental breakfast, but fueling your body with the energy it needs will translate to more energy to perform your best all day long!

Set Three Goals

Sometimes it can feel very overwhelming to think about the countless things you need to accomplish during the day. Breaking it down and focusing on three goals that feel doable helps set you up for success and feel accomplished. It also helps with avoiding the spiral of feeling unproductive.

Developing a positive and healthy morning routine that works for you can be as simple as you want, and it can drastically improve your productivity.


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