Caffeine Addictions in College Students
Artwork: Lee Olson
Due to intense schedules, grueling work loads, and overwhelming pressure, college students often find themselves struggling to keep up. Because of this, 92% of university students state that they have consumed caffeine in the past year. Throughout the day, caffeine is used as a tool to keep energy levels raised, allowing us to accomplish all of our daily tasks. However, caffeine consumption levels are reaching an all time high, with students consuming multiple energy drinks a day, leading to health complications.
Caffeine Consumption is on the Rise
Heavily caffeinated drinks are becoming more and more popular with college students as the pressures to succeed weigh heavily upon them. Popular energy drink companies such as Regin Total Body Fuel and Alani Nu Energy drinks contain as much caffeine as 4-5 servings of coffee. Students are often enticed to buy these drinks because of the bodily effect that they can serve. These drinks often are able to keep them awake and alert for hours at a time.
These products are also heavily marketed towards college students. As I have walked across campus the past few weeks, I have noticed multiple energy drink companies giving away free drinks to students. Companies such as Celcius, Reign, and Redbull have brought their products to college campuses to give out to students. Because of this, more and more students are consuming large amounts of caffeine and are more inclined to buy these products in stores to continue this effect that they felt.
Why are College Students So Susceptible to Caffeine Addictions?
Juggling classes, extracurricular activities, jobs, and spending time with friends can often be exhausting for many. Because of this, students often turn towards something that can help them manage all of their responsibilities without having to take as much time to rest and refresh their bodies and minds. Caffeine is an easy way to stay awake for longer, even if it means stressing the body to its limits.
With so many things on our plate, it doesn’t hurt to indulge in caffeine right? However, an intake of too much caffeine has many harmful risks.
The Dangers of Overconsumption
Although many might not realize it, caffeine is a highly addictive substance. Ali Johnston from The Reporter states, “when someone begins to become too dependent on caffeine, risky health effects begin to develop just as easily as any other drug”. Side effects of a caffeine addiction can include difficulty falling asleep, agitation, and an increased heart rate. These side effects can increase the likelihood of high blood pressure and even heart attacks.
Although large amounts of caffeine might seem helpful at the moment, it is doing intense damage to our mental and physical health. Opting to sleep less and consume more caffeine to increase productivity is incredibly harmful and not worth the risk that a caffeine addiction can cause.
So What Now?
The intense pressures of being a college student are not going to go away overnight, however there are other ways to manage this stress without accompanying it with an addiction to caffeine. Limiting yourself to under 400 milligrams of caffeine a day can increase overall health and wellness and well as a better sleep schedule.
Next time you feel yourself reaching for an energy drink with a high caffeine content, look towards other brands that have a more attainable amount of energy within them. Lowering caffeine content can decrease stress levels and lead to better rest within all of us.