Soundtracks to Make Studying Bearable

If you’re anything like me, silence when studying is not ideal. Sometimes you need a little music to get yourself in the mindset to do work. Some people turn on classical music, others can listen to soft pop. However, I would personally recommend film soundtracks for studying, because not only are there no lyrics to distract you, but sometimes you can get in the mind of a specific character to help you get work done. Oftentimes I’ll find myself in Northrop with a peppermint mocha in hand, listening to the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack while I slog through a History of Fashion lab worksheet. There’s something that is calming about movie soundtracks that regular studying music can’t seem to hit on. 

When you need to finish a paper that’s due soon, the Little Women (2019) soundtrack can make you feel as though you’re a struggling author who is trying to finish your debut novel on a strict deadline. Somehow the keys start flying and you complete the essay sooner than you thought you would. It also can help you feel more confident in your writing skills, especially with tracks like “The Book” and “Jo Writes.” Those songs will motivate you to get your work done and know you’ve put your all into it. There’s nothing like truly feeling like Jo March when writing your midterm essay in Case Analysis. No other soundtrack can do that for you and I stand by that statement. There are superior vibes that come with listening to this soundtrack and I can’t get enough. 

If you find yourself with a lengthy reading assignment or class book to get through, I’d recommend Pride & Prejudice (2005) or the Anne With An E soundtracks. There’s a bit of nature, historical elements, and angst to help you relax with the white noise. Personally, these soundtracks will help me tune out the distractions, especially if I’m in a public place. There’s nothing worse than consistently getting pulled out of a reading assignment that you didn’t want to do in the first place. But there’s nothing like the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack to make that 45-page pdf your professor assigned just fly by. 

Finally, if you’re looking for something more dramatic, I’d suggest the How to Train Your Dragon soundtrack. Before you rule it out, let me make an argument for it. If you’re studying, you want to feel like what you’re doing is important, otherwise, you could be spending your time doing something else. This soundtrack will make you feel exhilarated. Most importantly, it will create the feeling that every problem you finish, every reference you cite, and every lab worksheet you complete is a momentous occasion. There’s something about listening to “Test Drive” while completing an assignment that just boosts your serotonin levels. 

All in all, you can ultimately choose what works best for you while studying. However, it’s okay to shake it up and let yourself be immersed in different worlds when you’d rather be doing anything else but your physics homework. 


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